

I am studying Japanese language to help me in my study of Japanese art history. I'm sure it will take many years of learning to be able to use scholarly Japanese but I look forward to speaking Japanese fluently someday.

4 件のコメント:

Kazekage073 さんのコメント...

ものすごいですねえ! What made you interested in Japanese art history?

danielle さんのコメント...

ども ありがと.
As to what made me want to study Japanese Art History...well...I think there are subjects that appeal to our sense of individual identity and passion...a subject that 'speaks' to you. Japanese Art History was that subject that spoke to me. Japanese art is a combination of East Asian art and native innovations,interpretations. Some things are deeply rooted in the East Asian tradition but others are uniquely Japanese. Have you ever seen paintings of the "Rimpa" school?

Sarah Yu さんのコメント...

はじめまして!わたしは ユーサラ です。
コロンビアだいがくの よねんせいです。
I'm taking the Arts of Japan this semester, and I really like it! :)

naoki さんのコメント...

I am a Japanese student.
Japanese art history is very difficult for me.But it is very interesting!So you show enthusiasm to learn the Japanese art history.Good luck!!!